Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Longest trip yet

I had recently driven to Ocala, FL, about 40 minutes each way, and the car held up well. Last time I drove that distance one of the tires popped. And the last time I drove to Ocala, the fuel lines popped. It felt like it was a taboo to go beyond a certain distance. Yesterday, in order to be able to stock up on bio, I drove to Williston, FL, to buy two more 55 gallon drums in Williston, which is about 40 minutes away. This drive also served the purpose of testing then car once more.

Today I drove all the way to Jacksonville airport, a two hour drive, the longest trip yet, and I had not problems. This drive completes a certain circle: when the car was originally shipped from California, it arrived in Jacksonville and I had the choice of driving it home myself. I was tempted to do it, because it would save money and I'd get to test the car. In hindsight, I am so glad I didn't because it didn't even start and had a very long list of hidden problems which I would have had to discover on the highway, barely knowing how to drive stick. Now I have driven that road for real without problems, giving me a dose of confidence for perhaps a longer trip in the future.

This test also confirms that the car's purpose of "a second car" is now confirmed. I can always it take to the airport on short travels, as long as the parking cost is less than a two day car rental cost. Today's trip plus the return trip cost about 10 dollars in gas, and 40 dollars in parking. A rental car would have cost about $60 in rental cost and about 20 in gas. Add to this the convenience of not having to rent the car using a second car, return it, etc. The truck is starting to pay for itself, especially because of the fuel efficiency.

At the jacksonville airport after a smooth ride.

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